DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATIONS: STEELOMATIC-316 L is a Rutile coated electrode depositing extra low carbon 18Cr-12Ni-2.3 Mo weld metal. The deposit exhibits exceptional corrosion resistance to acids and salts and has very good resistance to pitting attack by chlorides. Intergranular corrosion resistance is excellent, the weld-metal being particularly immune to sensitisation during welding. Ideally suited for welding stainless steel of similar composite. MARKET


  • Ensure that electrodes are dry enough. In case of moisture pick-up, ready the electrodes at 250°C for 30 to 60 minutes. Thereafter, either allow the oven to cool slowly to about 60° C, or transfer them to a holding oven maintained at 50°C – 60°C.
  • Clean the joint faces to remove moisture, grease or any foreign matter.
  • Employ welding currents within the prescribed range.
  • Keep the arc as short as possible.
  • Restrict weaving of electrode to within two and a half times the core wire diameter.
  • Use stainless steel wire brush for cleaning the weld beads.