RAJWELD – 8018 C3

RAJWELD – 8018 C3

DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATIONS: RAJWELD – 8018 C3 is a heavy coated hydrogen controlled iron powder type electrode specially designed for high tensile fine grained steels. The electrode gives a very smooth arc, medium penetration and low spatter characterized by ease of operation in all position. The welds are of radiographic quality. Typical application includes welding of low alloy steel such as Si-Mn steels and steel containing Ni up to 1%, for welding high tensile steel for heavy construction work subjected to dynamic loading.



  • Store in a dry place.
  • Redry the electrodes at 250°C for one hour before use and place the baked electrodes in carrying oven at 90oC while in use.
  • Maintain appropriate current and short arc.
  • Remove oil, grease, dust & rust from parent metal.
  • Do not handle the electrodes with moisture greasy hand.