RAJWELD – 8013 G

RAJWELD – 8013 G

DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATIONS: RAJWELD-8013 G is a heavy coated rutile type all position electrode depositing low alloy steel weld metal which have approx. 1.0 Cr / 0.4 Mo / 0.2 V. Quite and stable arc, little spatter and easily removable slag. Welds are of radiographic quality and creep resistance upto 550°C.

TYPICAL APPLICATIONS: Suitable for low alloy steel boilers and pipping operation at service temperature upto 550°C. In refineries, thermal power and chemical plants, petro chemicals etc.



  • Use dry electrodes. Electrodes slightly affected by moisture should be carefully dried at temp 150°C before use.
  • Maintain short arc and employ welding currents within the range recommended. Welding with excessive current results in increased spatter, undercut and uneven slag covering. Furthermore it adversely effects the quality of weld metal.
  • Remove oil, grease, dust and rust from parent metal.